Words of Wisdom

Plan Your Life with Purpose

Today I was on Pinterest (I love this site!) and I came across these words of wisdom. I’ve seen this before, however, today when I read this again the words seemed, somehow, more powerful than before.

Perhaps it is because of the journey I am on, traveling on unfamiliar territory as I seek to obtain the writing life that I know I should pursue. The one I started many, many years ago, but had to abandon due to financial needs.

And fear.

I won’t lie, the fear of failure is always there. But that’s not the fear I mean. There is a deeper fear that has held me captive for such a long time – it’s the fear of SUCCESS.

Yes, you read that right, success. While everyone wants to have successful careers and do well at whatever it is that they do, for some people the very thing holding them back is knowing that their very lives will change once their dream is realized.

Once success has ventured to knock on their door.

And then what? Then you are embarking on a whole new journey of learning how to live that new life as almost everything around you changes. 

How many successful people do you know who have the same lifestyle they had before their success? Probably not many, if any at all.

Becoming successful allows you the opportunity to do more than you could before….but what will that opportunity be for you?

The part of the quote that stood out the most to me today was “plan your future with purpose.”

It hit me then that this simple statement means so much more than simply planning my future with the purpose of landing several good writing gigs and clients and making a decent living as a writer.

Reading between the lines here….but what this meant to me today was planning for the future success I want to obtain and how that success will look.

You’ve probably heard people talk about the importance of envisioning your dreams, seeing yourself being successful, and finding your purpose.

Today as I read that phrase, I got it – I mean on a deep-down level inside my core – I really got it!

I found myself believing that this lifestyle, this success of writing profitably and successfully is obtainable….for me! And I realized that there is no need to fear success, I simply need to plan for it.

There is so much truth to that little statement – you have to take a look at how your life will change, how your family will benefit, how your finances will increase and how that will change your lives so you can plan for it all!

This really is a “must-do” task on your road to success. Seeing where you will be – knowing what your purpose is – will help you to plan for your future success so you’ll be ready when it comes.

I have a purpose.

I have faith.

I am ready.

Are you ready?

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