God’s Not Dead Movie

Gods Not Dead Movie for Blog Post Wednesday April First

We watched this move on Sunday about an atheist philosophy professor (Kevin Sorbo) who plans to forego “dusty arguments” in his class, so he insists the new students declare that “God Is Dead.” Unable to do this, Josh (Shane Harper) is challenged to defend his faith and prove to the class that God is NOT Dead. With everything on the line, Josh’s faith is unwavering…and life-changing to those around him.

It was AMAZING!!! I really felt inspired by this movie and the faith of one young man.

Sometimes, that’s all it takes – the faith of ONE.

I was reminded of the purpose that God has for my life and it gave me the boost I needed to get back to the plans that He has for me. There is so much more that He has planned for me to do, and a better life awaits. I know this. I have known this for quite some time, but I let “life” get in the way….working at jobs that aren’t my calling just to get the bills paid, when I know I’m supposed to be writing and reaching people for Him.

Lord, forgive me for putting the bills before You..

So, I made a decision. My new eBook of poems is just the beginning. This path, His plans for me, that is what I will follow. Money will come. The bills will be paid. All our needs will be met. And the people He wants me to reach will be touched and inspired, encouraged and uplifted, guided and directed by Him and His plans for their lives!

I hope this gives you hope, restores your faith, and encourages you to seek Him and His plans for your life.

Here’s the YouTube video of the song “God’s Not Dead” by the Newsboys…..

Be Blessed!

Happy Reading…..and Viewing!

“A Light in the Sky & Hope in my Heart”

eBook Cover book of poems

My new eBook “A Light in the Sky & Hope in my Heart” compiled with heartfelt, uplifting, poetry will soon be published! I am working on the final details now and it should be complete by next week. Needless to say, I am very excited!

This is a small collection of poetry that I have worked on throughout the years during different hardships, trials, and special times in my life, including the loss of my mother, pregnancy of my fifth child, an unemployment period, and more.

My desire is to reach others who may be struggling with the same or similar circumstances that I myself have experienced and overcome, with encouraging words and uplifting messages. I am very grateful for the opportunity to finally be able to share these messages of faith, hope and love in this way!

Updates to follow in a later post.

Happy Reading!

“A Light in the Sky & Hope in my Heart”

eBook Cover book of poems

My new eBook “A Light in the Sky & Hope in my Heart” compiled with heartfelt, uplifting, poetry will soon be published! I am working on the final details now and it should be complete by next week. Needless to say, I am very excited!

This is a small collection of poetry that I have worked on throughout the years during different hardships, trials, and special times in my life, including the loss of my mother, pregnancy of my fifth child, an unemployment period, and more.

My desire is to reach others who may be struggling with the same or similar circumstances that I myself have experienced and overcome, with encouraging words and uplifting messages. I am very grateful for the opportunity to finally be able to share these messages of faith, hope and love in this way!

Updates to follow in a later post.

Happy Reading!

How One Man Found His Life’s Mission Through Tragedy

Wounded Wear Tatered FlagSee how one man’s tragedy has turned into his life mission, and how he is helping other wounded warriors and their families in this inspiring video!

This was one of the best inspirational videos of 2014, according to Beliefnet. 

Through this video, LT. Jason Redman’s mission, and the awareness he brings to all Americans about the sacrifices made in war for our freedom inspires hope for the fallen and their families.

Likewise, it inspires a hope within me that there are still kind, caring, and compassionate people in this world who are willing to push through their own pain and anger with their own circumstances to reach out to others with a hand full of hope and love.

It’s amazing how a person can take a tragedy like LT. Jason Redman’s and turn it into a positive, constructive, and helpful way to help others who are suffering the same or similar tragedies.

The absolute determination to make a difference in the world. The drive to see others through tough times. The hope and humanity that is inspired into others as a result. What a wonderful legacy to be a part of and to teach your children!

During his recover at Bethesda Naval Medical Center, LT. Jason Redman wrote and hung a bright orange sign on his hospital door letting visitors know before entering his room that pity or any sorrowful feelings for his wounds or what happened to him would not be accepted there, that he was injured doing what he loved and only positive feelings and attitudes would be allowed inside.

This sign became a statement and symbol for wounded warriors far and wide.  It also gained national recognition and earned LT. Jason Redman and his wife and children an invitation to meet our (former) President George W. Bush. The original sign that LT. Jason Redman hung on his hospital door, which was signed by President George W. Bush, is now hanging up on a wall in the Wounded Ward at the National Naval Medical Center Bethesda.

Jason Redman is currently the Executive Director of Wounded Wear, a non-profit organization who’s vision is “to Guide combat-wounded warriors to find a purpose-driven life and peace of mind after the impact of war.”

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Words of Wisdom

Plan Your Life with Purpose

Today I was on Pinterest (I love this site!) and I came across these words of wisdom. I’ve seen this before, however, today when I read this again the words seemed, somehow, more powerful than before.

Perhaps it is because of the journey I am on, traveling on unfamiliar territory as I seek to obtain the writing life that I know I should pursue. The one I started many, many years ago, but had to abandon due to financial needs.

And fear.

I won’t lie, the fear of failure is always there. But that’s not the fear I mean. There is a deeper fear that has held me captive for such a long time – it’s the fear of SUCCESS.

Yes, you read that right, success. While everyone wants to have successful careers and do well at whatever it is that they do, for some people the very thing holding them back is knowing that their very lives will change once their dream is realized.

Once success has ventured to knock on their door.

And then what? Then you are embarking on a whole new journey of learning how to live that new life as almost everything around you changes. 

How many successful people do you know who have the same lifestyle they had before their success? Probably not many, if any at all.

Becoming successful allows you the opportunity to do more than you could before….but what will that opportunity be for you?

The part of the quote that stood out the most to me today was “plan your future with purpose.”

It hit me then that this simple statement means so much more than simply planning my future with the purpose of landing several good writing gigs and clients and making a decent living as a writer.

Reading between the lines here….but what this meant to me today was planning for the future success I want to obtain and how that success will look.

You’ve probably heard people talk about the importance of envisioning your dreams, seeing yourself being successful, and finding your purpose.

Today as I read that phrase, I got it – I mean on a deep-down level inside my core – I really got it!

I found myself believing that this lifestyle, this success of writing profitably and successfully is obtainable….for me! And I realized that there is no need to fear success, I simply need to plan for it.

There is so much truth to that little statement – you have to take a look at how your life will change, how your family will benefit, how your finances will increase and how that will change your lives so you can plan for it all!

This really is a “must-do” task on your road to success. Seeing where you will be – knowing what your purpose is – will help you to plan for your future success so you’ll be ready when it comes.

I have a purpose.

I have faith.

I am ready.

Are you ready?