Bible Verse of the Day

But let all those that put their trust in thee rejoice: let them ever shout for joy, because thou defendest them: let them also that love thy name be joyful in thee.
Psalm 5:11.

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Alice Cooper – Salvation

The Patriot Post published an article yesterday about Alice Cooper titled:

Alice Cooper; ‘My life is dedicated to follow Christ’

You can click the link above to read the full article. In this post, he is quoted saying:

‘Cooper told HM he answers his critics: “‘I was one thing at one time, and I’m something new. I’m a new creature now. Don’t judge Alice by what he used to be. Praise God for what I am now.’”

However, he does not want to be  a ‘celebrity’ believer. In my humble opinion, he may not want to be, but he already is! As a huge public figure who has changed his life, his performances, and even his music, as seen in the above YouTube video, people can see the change in him.

While I understand the desire to have your personal walk with the Lord personal, sometimes God has other plans.

What are your thoughts?

As A Butterfly Flies So Will I


My newest book, As A Butterfly Flies So Will I, portrays the similarities between the metamorphosis of a caterpillar into a beautiful butterfly and the growth from a new believer into a mature Christian.

The change from a caterpillar into a butterfly is one of the most delicate and extremely beautiful transitions in nature. Inside the chrysalis, a crawling, cylinder-shaped, self-consuming creature is remade into a stunningly beautiful butterfly that is now able to fly!

Likewise is the transition from a new Christian into a Mature Christian growing with Christ. While the change for us is not a complete outward, physical change, the beauty that grows within us and His light that shines through us is evident for all who see.

This is an encouraging, inspirational book filled with messages from God through His word to help guide you on your journey in your Christian life and through your walk with Him.

Do you know someone who is in need of an inspirational message today? Or, perhaps you know someone who is struggling. This book will make a wonderful gift of encouragement and love! Share the hope, faith, love, and encouragement that fills these pages with someone you know.

As A Butterfly Flies So Will I is now available through my eStore and through and Kindle.

You Are Fearfully and Wonderfully Made…

700Club Fearfully and Wonderfully Made

You have been fearfully and wonderfully made….never forget that. God made each of us in His image, therefore, our uniqueness and differences are to be celebrated.

If this blesses you, please pass it on. 🙂

Easter Sunday

Easter Sunday was amazing. We went to Inspired Vision church where my older daughter attends church. It was a beautiful worship service, and I especially loved the dance performance by the teenage girls! This was followed by a heart-touching message that was both encouraging and uplifting.

The church is located in a not-so-great part of town, in fact, the murder tolls in the area had increased in recent months and the murder count for the previous year was up to 14 people only blocks away from where we sat and worshiped.

The increased murder rate, and gang activity in the area being on the rise, including drug sells and violence, has the churches in the area participating with the Pleasant Grove Ministerial Alliance joining in prayer to make Pleasant Grove a safe area.

Part of the mornings message was about taking the city back for God and upcoming prayer gatherings at different points in the city. The good news is, prayer is working in the area and so far 18 arrests have been made!

After service, we celebrated and enjoyed some good ham, sides, and deserts while the kids all buzzed with anticipation for the upcoming Easter egg hunt and the teens treasure hunt.

One of the biggest highlights of the morning for me came between the little ones Easter egg hunt and the teens’ treasure hunt, when Pastor Karen pulled me over to see the Easter Bunny (her son) and Jerry.

The Easter Bunny had knelt down next to Jerry in his special chair, and Jerry was so thrilled to see him, he was smiling and laughing away! Jerry kept reaching up and touching the Easter Bunny’s eyes, face, and his vest – he was so fascinated by the Easter Bunny! It was a blessing to see Jerry having so much fun.

Easter Bunny and Jerry-Mom Easter Bunny and Jerry Laughing

You see, the doctor’s had told Jerry’s mother when he was born that he only had an hour to live – just one hour! But here he is, twenty-two years later he sits in his special chair at Inspired Vision church, laughing and playing with the Easter Bunny! God is good all the time!!!

While I’m not sure exactly why the doctor’s gave that dreadful news to his mother, or what his condition actually is, the good news is God still heals and saves and this boy’s life is proof of just one of God’s many miracles!

After the little ones hunted for Easter eggs and were given lots of nice toys and gifts, it was time for the teenagers’ treasure hunt to begin!

Teens Ready for the Treasure Hunt

Due to the rainy weather, the little ones and teens alike had to have their fun in-doors on this special day .  Everyone was forewarned to hugged the church walls to prevent trampling by the teens who would be racing like mad through the church in search of hidden messages that would lead them to their desired treasures!

It was so much fun watching the teens participate and after the treasure hunt had ended, seeing them all with the incredible gifts the church provided. The teen girls all received makeup kits and perfume from Armand Dupree along received_638450056285637

with a few other things, and all the teen boys received Armand Dupree cologne and Call of Duty baseball hats, in addition to the goodie bags they were given filled with candy, little bracelets and other small gifts and treats.

I was quite impressed and a bit surprised by all the gifts that the children and teens received. It was a nice end to a beautiful worship and service!