Alice Cooper – Salvation

The Patriot Post published an article yesterday about Alice Cooper titled:

Alice Cooper; ‘My life is dedicated to follow Christ’

You can click the link above to read the full article. In this post, he is quoted saying:

‘Cooper told HM he answers his critics: “‘I was one thing at one time, and I’m something new. I’m a new creature now. Don’t judge Alice by what he used to be. Praise God for what I am now.’”

However, he does not want to be  a ‘celebrity’ believer. In my humble opinion, he may not want to be, but he already is! As a huge public figure who has changed his life, his performances, and even his music, as seen in the above YouTube video, people can see the change in him.

While I understand the desire to have your personal walk with the Lord personal, sometimes God has other plans.

What are your thoughts?